KHS Robot





Welcome to KHS Robot, This is the trade name of the Egypt Italy for Modern Industry Co., Ltd.
We were established in year 2010, and our location in Egypt.

Our company began to work in the field of software and industrial robotics as a trading company, where we used to import computers and industrial robotics and marketed it in the Egyptian markets.

By the time, our company had gained considerable experience in the field of repair and regenerate industrial used robotics and pick & place machines.

We are a progressive company dedicated to providing our customers with the excellent quality and service, not only devoted to offer prompt delivery and reasonable prices, our management team is well experienced and sincere to provide you our valuable customers with the best business co-operation and services. Our success is driven by our commitment to achieve the superior customer satisfaction.





KHS Robot     KHS Robot     KHS Robot     KHS Robot     KHS Robot     KHS Robot     KHS Robot     KHS Robot     KHS Robot     KHS Robot    

*** All rights are reserved to our company in 2010 ***